Firstly, happy new year, I hope that you have taken the time to reflect and think about the exciting new year ahead. I certainly have - I have set myself achievable goals. I believe all new starts are exciting and essentially highly motivating! So knock yourself out.
Secondly, I have been slack on the blogging front as we welcomed a beautiful, healthy son - he (and Master 2) have been taking up a lot of my time. In fact it is back to not beating myself up if only one task a day gets completed, the bar hasn't been set too high! We have all been muddling along and trying to find a rhythm with our new family member. It is truly such a beautiful and exciting time to welcome a new baby if not a little hectic. He's another good bub so I can't complain - I really do love them so much - it 's crazy a parents love for their children - you really don't think you can love someone so much - argh the human body/mind/being!
Hence, my blog has suffered and I often wonder how do mums do it - that is live, look after children, cook, clean, shop, wash, have moments to themselves? Well, I guess we all learn a rhythm that suits us and our family. I had a rhythm but it's now up in the air, so I am now learning a new one.
I have been meaning to write a post on 'Tips to help settle into being a new mum' but I think you all know the golden rules.
- First week (or first 3 months) be indulgent, sleep, accept all offers of help, have no shame just say YES and if you are not particularly good at it learn fast.
- Eat good healthy wholefoods, drink lots of water, sleep and generally rest and hang with your baby.
- Slowly reintroduce yourself back into the world and be gentle with yourself.
- Want that tummy to return to normal? Begin activating your pelvic floor as soon as possible after the birth. The sooner you get started the sooner you will be in better shape in more ways than one. I wore these great high waisted 'contour bike shorts', yes very attractive but they pulled my uterus in much faster than after having my first child. Your tummy may never be the same as prior to pregnancy but core strength activation will certainly help.
- Don't make too many rules or timetables as you may just come unstuck and no-one wants that, not you nor your husband/partner or family. Everyone does love a new mum and is only willing to help - Just ask.
- Take a good quality supplement to help with your energy levels, best to see a health professional to be prescribed the correct therapeutic doses.
- Get out of the house and WALK, breath FRESH AIR and mostly ENJOY your new bub because as everyone says 'they grow up so quickly'!
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