I love Sarah Wilson and I love that she has dedicated her time and knowlegde to write this incredible book about removing sugar from your diet. Before her book came out I spent a week trying to eliminate sugar from my diet - it was extremely difficult and became all too hard so I gave up.
Since then I have been applying some of her tactics to my every day life, I haven't yet completed the 8 week program (as some of you may know - I just had a baby) but the plan is to challenge myself and my sugar intake in the next few months (once my life settles back into some type of routine). And I challenge you too, take the challenge buy Sarah's book and give it ago.
Get clean, clear your mind and drop some kilo's - I dare you.
Click below to purchase Sarah's 'I Quit Sugar' E-book - the best $15 you could spend on yourself.
Click here to get yourself a copy!
From this blog - Click link -Click here to visit Sarah Wilson.- Purchase 'I Quit Sugar' e-book and go in the draw to WIN Institute of Integrative Nutrition course worth $4K -THIS WEEKEND ONLY Fri28th-Mon31st Oct 5pm