I've been nominated for the Liebster Award - yeah, by my motivator and Personal Trainer mishfit thanks mish. Lets see whether I can complete this challenge - I have just had a new bub! And never really blog every day but there is a lot of sitting around and feeding at the moment so it may be a perfect time.
So what is a Liebster? Both a word (German for dearest or beloved) and an honour, it is bestowed by those in the early stages of writing a blog (less than 200 followers) upon 3-5 bloggers they admire.When nominated we should:
1. Link back to the blogger who awarded us.
2. Tag 3-5 blogs to receive the award.
3. Inform them of their nomination.
4. Display the Liebster Award image on our blog.
Here are the blogs that I nominate:
Check out mooku for upto date exploration of design, furniture and jewellery. Fran is an industrial designer that knows her stuff!
Check out mahlimoo I love Amy's day to day thoughts or as she puts it 'a place for me to share what I am up to and release any thoughts floating around my head'.
Check out
Frankie and Ray. Jo lives on the Great Ocean Road and 'makes stuff'. I love her stuff especially her winter scarves (which I have acquired a few over the years) and I love the fabrics and vintage cloths she uses.
Check out Lupa a supporter of locally made and designed fashion. If you can't find anything to wear you haven't shopped at LUPA.
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