Tips on how to Avoid Sugar
Image Pintrest |
- Remove sugar from
your coffee/tea – if it seems like a massive task start by reducing the amount
of spoonfuls added.
- Don’t add sugar
to your cereal – it really is sweet enough!
- Avoid Soft
drinks – is it really necessary to have a ‘Coke’ or ‘Red Bull”? Try replacing
it will a glass of water – this will better quench your thirst and rehydrate
- Avoid Fruit
poppers and packaged Juices – apart from the sugar in the Fruit added
sweeteners have usually been added by the truckload. Try a piece of fruit
instead – yes fruit has a form of sugar in it but it is a 'good' sugar.
- Avoid
packaged foods. Chips, Biscuits, Muesli Bars.
- Make a
batch of home baked muffins – you can then monitor the ingredients.
- Eat
fresh homemade popcorn as a snack add some olive oil.
- Replace
that afternoon chocolate bar with a piece of Dark chocholate – best if it is
over 80% cacao – you will then get other benefits!
- Cut out lollies and sweets at your desk and eat a piece of fruit or a handful of nuts
(Almonds are best), a small container of ‘Natural’ yoghurt.